République Française Inserm
Institut thématique Biologie cellulaire, reproduction, développement et évolution

The conference "the Origins of Metazoans" will take place in Paris on the 7 and 8 of November 2017, under the hospice of The French Multi-organization thematic Institute “Cell biology, development and evolution” (ITMO BCDE).
This event will focus on one of the most important question in evolution and biology: how the metazoans have emerged with some of their characteristic features like epithelial layers, neuronal and muscle cells.
It will be a fantastic opportunity to discuss about this in a conference with most of the important groups in the field, who will present their work in several themed sessions. A poster session will be organized and short talks will be selected from the proposed abstracts.
The meeting will take place at the CNRS headquarters in Paris and can host around 150 participants, providing opportunities for extensive interactions among participants in a friendly and comfortable environment.


Meeting Poster

Registration & Abstract deposit - Inscription is free of charge but mandatory

Abstract deposit until September 28th

Access Plan