République Française Inserm
Institut thématique Biologie cellulaire, reproduction, développement et évolution

Présentation du meeting

The symposium on “Modeling in Cell and Developmental Biology » will take place in Paris on December 1st, 2015.

The aim of this Symposium is to present the state of the art and potentialities of mathematical modeling and numerical simulations to study dynamical processes arising on different scales in the field of Cell and Developmental Biology, and to discuss new perspectives in the field.

Internationally renowned scientists will present interdisciplinary works at the interface between biology and physics or mathematics during four themed sessions:

1) Biophysical modeling of intracellular processes, 2) Cell dynamics and tissue differentiation, 3) Modeling plant morphogenesis, and 4) Modeling animal morphogenesis and morphological evolution.  

The program also includes a poster session, in order to favor discussions and to make an inventory of the modeling projects going on in the community, and also to foster new collaborations. The participants are encouraged to present posters about their on-going or future modeling projects.

Program committee of ITMO BCDE experts:

  • Dr Frédérique Clément, MYCENAE Team, INRIA
  • Dr Laurent Héliot, Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Atomes et Molécules (PhLAM)
  • Dr Nadine Peyrieras CNRS USR3695 BioEmergences
  • Dr Sylvie Schneider-Maunoury, IBPS-Biologie du Développement, (CNRS/Inserm/UPMC)

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