République Française Inserm
Institut thématique Biologie cellulaire, reproduction, développement et évolution

Presentation ER symposium

5th Endoplasmic Reticulum International Symposium

Paris, October 8-10, 2025

(this will not be a hybrid meeting)


 Amphi BUFFON, 15 Rue Hélène Brion 75013 Paris,


This symposium follows on the success of the previous meetings that took place in Paris in 2017, 2019, 2021, 2023.

Organizing committee: Fabienne Foufelle, Eric Chevet, Laurent Combettes, Thierry Galli, Ama Gassama Diagne, Christine Lemaitre

Keynotes talks by Gia K. Voeltz  (Boulder, CO, USA), Vivek Malhotra (Barcelona, Spain)

Invited faculty: Patrizia Agostinis (Leuven, Belgium), Ana Paula Arruda (Berkeley, CA, USA), Nicolas Demaurex (Genève, Suisse), Linda M Hendershot (Memphis, TN , USA), Mike Henne  (Dallas, TX, USA), Jaime de Juan-Sanz (Paris, France), Maurizio Molinari (Bellinzona, Switzerland), James A Olzmann  ( Berkeley, CA, USA) , Abdou Rachid Thiam (Paris, France), Maija Vihinen-Ranta (Jyvaskyla, Finland), Franka Voigt (Basel, Switzerland), Peter Walter (San Francisco, CA, USA).

Registration is open on this page

Attendance will be free. Note that the meeting will be held exclusively on site in Paris (i.e., this will not be a hybrid meeting).